OZ Single Cell 2022: Gold Coast
Our meeting themes were:
System biology at single cell level
Developmental biology, cell fate and lineage tracing
Single-cell and precision medicine
Building and making use of single-cell atlases
Single cell applications
Beyond single cell RNA sequencing
Emerging research directions in a single cell

2022 Programme
OZ Single Cell 2021: Sydney
Our meeting theme was 'Multimoics Madness' where we talked about:
New tech and innovations
Data analysis challenges

OZ Single Cell 2021: Brisbane

Our meeting theme was 'Cells in Space & Time' where we talked about:
Spatial transcriptomics
Clinical studies
New tech and innovations
Data analysis challenges

Auditorium and the terrace area, QLD Brain Institute (QBI)
University of QLD, QBI Building 79
Brisbane, QLD 4072
OZ Single Cell 2021: Perth

'Networks' was Perth Node OZ Single Cell 2021 meeting theme. All abstracts and talks were related with single cell or spatial -omics technology. This was an hybrid (online & physical) meeting.
OZ Single Cell 2021: Melbourne

Invited Speakers include:
- Arjun Raj, presenting REWIND
- Orane Guillaume-Gentil, presenting LIVE-seq
- Jose Polo, presenting iBlastoids
- Shalin Naik, presenting SIS-seq
- Melanie Eckersley-Maslin, presenting Embryonic CRISPRa screens
- Katie Fennel, presenting SPLINTR